Home Album Review Single Review: Heart 2 Heart by Fake Shark

Single Review: Heart 2 Heart by Fake Shark


Vancouver band, Fake Shark, has had many genre changes from album to album, and after starting out as metal, and ending up in the mainstream pop category – with a special metal edge, they certainly bring an intriguing mix to the music game.  Their band name is an attention grabber by itself – kudos to the creators of that one.

Their first single off their latest release, Faux Real, promises “shock-pop” that the world has never heard, and the cover art certainly is a promising start to the unusual brand.  And I love it.

I’m a super fan of bright colors, and good music – both of which Fake Shark promises to offer with their new music and release.  After reading their feature on Popdust, I learned more information about the band, their new single, and I can honestly say I am excited to see what their music sounds like.  I’m truly baffled.  Deep breath.  Pressing play.

In Their Own Words: 

It’s a love song for people who don’t actually want to fall in love, but are hit over the head with it, even though they’re resisting it.

First Listen:

I love the vocal and congo combination that starts the song off.  Also, not very metal at all.  Instead, this is tough competition for bands like the Chainsmokers, and dare I say it, the “Biebs” (Justin Beiber for all of those under a rock).  The pre-chorus is definitely lack luster; I would have added a little more synth to tie it in better, but I am totally digging the funk Bruno-like inspired chorus.

Lyric wise, I wanted to pay attention, but there’s so much going on sonically, it pulled me in and unfortunately the lyrics came secondary.  But the words I was catching; I love the pure pop melodies and vocal effects – always love a good flange/reverb combo.  The only thing that would make this track better is some more guitar presence.  Not sure what their brand direction plan is, but as a “metal” acclaimed background, I was expecting a guitar scratch or strum or something more present to help carry the beat forward (and tie in the past); though it should be mentioned this is a personal preference, the synth and bass were doing their jobs respectably.

None the less, it didn’t take away from the track that there wasn’t noticeable guitar.  It reminded me most of the WALK THE MOON record, “Shut Up And Dance”, in almost every way (which has guitar…cough).  The pop kid in me loved it, and I will most likely be doing a review on their upcoming release due out May 27th.  Check out their socials below and give them a follow!

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